The Hacks

Welcome to the Hacks hub! Here you will  find tutorials  and how-to guides covering a variety of technical skills, from scripting and networking, to Penetration Testing  techniques. Stay tuned for captivating videos and  insightful capture-the-flag write-ups to level up!
Hack your learning curve!
Whether you're just starting out, or you've been in the cybersecurity world for a while, you'll need to stay current with today's cyber news and trends. While I don't mean to advocate the "fake it 'til you make it" approach, I vividly remember my early days of immersing myself in tech shows, feeling overwhelmed by the jargon and complexity. Until one day, it just clicked!
Here's how I stay current and recommend –
In 2018, at age 28, I hit a wall in my sales career – burned out and disenchanted with the path ahead. It was clear: I needed a change. That's when I made the bold decision to pursue higher education, setting my sights on a career in cybersecurity. Almost immediately, I knew my ultimate goal was to become a Red Team PenTester!
The thing about a career in PenTesting, though, is that it demands a multifaceted skill set and a deep understanding of various systems. So, my to-do list brims with projects aimed at rapidly honing these essential skills – a list that seems to expand faster than I can check items off! What's more, the projects always seem to require delving deeper into subjects than initially anticipated.
Take this journey with me as I sharpen my skills! Be forewarned: this blog may stumble and falter, peppered with moments of "well... that didn't work." Yet, through showcasing my problem-solving processes and pivoting from mistakes, my aim is to contribute to the community by assisting others. And if nothing else, maybe this blog source of entertainment – "That silly Brews 'n Hacks guy... always brewing up those amusing little mis-hacks!"
Remember: learning often stems from making mistakes... but they don't need to be your own!