Brews 'n Hacks

Homebrewing Beer and Penetration Testing Tutorials.

And... probably some other stuff, too.

KIA ORA! You have quite the niche of interests to have landed on here!

Here's the Story...

So, why am I here? Blame it on Network Chuck who insisted I needed a website – and here we are! Aspiring to be a Red Team PenTester, I'm constantly seeking new opportunities to grow in my career. Curious about my professional journey? Head over to my creds page for the scoop.

But hey, it's not just about the grind – I firmly believe in work-life balance. When I'm not immersed in the world of cybersecurity, you'll find me perfecting my latest homebrew recipe or sharpening my technical skills. And if you're craving some culinary adventure, stick around for some sushi tutorials too!

Am I an expert in any of these? Not yet. But join me as I navigate through the learning process, sharing insights, challenges, and hopefully inspiring you along the way.

Let's dive in together!